Tips to Prolong Teeth Whitening Results

Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental treatment. It aims to lighten the color of teeth, resulting in a brighter and more attractive smile. Teeth whitening is effective in removing stains caused by a variety of factors. It is a highly popular treatment option as it is cost-effective and provides fast results. Feeling confident in your smile can also boost your self-esteem. Maintaining your results can leave you feeling confident for months and years. Below you will find helpful tips to prolong teeth whitening results.

Tips to Prolong Teeth Whitening Results

Feeling good about your smile is important. Teeth whitening offers amazing benefits when it comes to your smile. Consider the following tips to ensure your whitening results last.

Avoid Certain Foods and Drinks

Certain foods and drinks can cause stains. This can impact your teeth whitening results and cause discoloration. Avoid things like coffee, tea, sugary drinks, red wine, tomato sauce, soy sauce, curry, and dark berries. If you cannot avoid them altogether, consume them in moderation.

If you do consume any of these foods or drinks, rinse your mouth out with water right after and then brush 30 minutes later. When drinking any teeth-staining liquids, use a straw. This minimizes the contact between the liquid and your teeth. Ultimately, straws can help reduce the risk of stains after your professional teeth whitening near you in Riverside.

No Smoking

Smoking is terrible for your health in general. If you currently smoke, make a plan to quit right away. It has a harmful effect on your oral and overall health. It can increase your risk for gum disease, decay, and discoloration. If you smoke after teeth whitening, it can also reduce the success and longevity of your results.

Maintain Your Oral Care Routine

Good oral hygiene is important if you want to preserve your whitening results. This includes brushing at least twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush. It is best to brush after each time you eat. Rinse right after you eat and wait 30 minutes to brush for the best results. In addition to brushing, floss at least once a day. If you only floss once, floss at night. Lastly, use mouthwash when you cannot brush. This is not a substitute for brushing, but it can be used if you don’t have the option to brush.

Regular Dental Cleanings

Regular dental cleanings are critical when it comes to your oral health. They can also preserve your whitening results. Visit the dentist at least every six months for your oral health and to preserve your whitening results. Some patients may need to see the dentist more often. Talk with your Riverside dentist about when and how often you should visit. This can ensure optimal oral health and preserve your professional whitening results.

Maintenance Treatments

Whitening results are not permanent. To ensure that your smile stays bright, maintenance treatments are necessary. Depending on your aesthetic goals, you may need a series of treatments to achieve your desired shade in the beginning. Once you have achieved your desired shade, maintenance treatments are highly beneficial. Each patient is different, so you can work with your dentist to determine when and how often you should get a touchup.

Teeth Whitening Treatment

If you are unhappy with the shade of your teeth, consider professional teeth whitening. You will notice immediate results, and your teeth will be shades brighter. Teeth whitening improves the look of your smile and can also boost your confidence. Avoid waiting and contact the team at Tropic Dental Care today to schedule a professional teeth whitening appointment. They can create a customized treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals.





7201 Arlington Ave # A
Riverside, CA 92503

Monday : 9 am to 6 pm
Tuesday : 9 am to 6 pm
Wednesday : 9 am to 6 pm
Thursday : By Appointment Only
Friday : 9 am to 6 pm
Saturday : By Appointment Only

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